Sunday, December 6, 2009

Quick hello!

Hi! Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy December and comment that time is flying by here. (Like, seriously, it's December already?! I've been a PCV for a month!) I'm adjusting gradually, and I feel like I'm making good connections with my family, coworkers and students, and I'm looking forward to my first Pohnpei Christmas. There's so much more to tell, but I've lacked significant time at a computer to compose my thoughts about/descriptions of the people and places that populate my life nowadays. However, my WONDERFUL American family has decided to send me a netbook for Christmas, so be expecting a marked improvement in blog post quality in 2010.

That said, thanks for reading and Happy Holidays, Everyone!

1 comment:

  1. i was not consulted on the netbook purchase, but i trust mother's powers of judgement.

    and then you'll be able to write us funnies!
